Saudia and Andy are having a baby!

Well, we were finally (mostly!) ready to take the real plunge and bring a new life into this world. Read about our adventures as we journey towards parenthood together!

Due Date: Christmas!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's a Lemon!

I know, odd, right? that they compare the size of the baby with foods... first it was a blueberry, then a kumquat, then a fig, now... we've moved up to a lemon! Well, my uterus is apparently the size of a grapefruit, though still not big enough to SEE outside my body (other than that premenstural bloating I call general chubbiness!!).

I'm feeling better this week, and have been to the gym a coupla times. According to the books, this is normal. He is 3 1/2 inches long, head to "bottom" (does that mean butt or bottom of its feet??), and weighs about 1 1/2 ozs. Pretty cool!
Because his brain is sending out impulses, he is squinting, frowning, grimacing and maybe sucking its thumb! He's also starting to use his internal organs - liver, bladder, etc. Big steps!!

I know that I've been starting my count on Thursdays, so in a few days, it will be 15 weeks. More/ different news to come then.... As always, nice to talk to you all -
Love, Saud

Monday, June 28, 2010

What a weekend!!
We got ready for some extra-special guests to come and visit - our friends Jen and Scott Truman will be staying with us for a few days while their beautiful daughter Katie has heart surgery at U of M. She was born in ?March?, and is an otherwise healthy beautiful girl. We are very excited to have them with us.
Which really means we had to clean the entire basement, including dusting - ugh!
On Saturday, we spent some time with Andy's Administrative Assistant, Katie and her daughter Lia. Lia turned one and is A-dor-able. She had a tutu on, as did her uncle Pete ... hilarious!! (his was camoflage) Katie made Lia a red ladybug cake, so you can imagine her whole face (and belly, and arms, and legs) were red. So cute. I think Andy's already planning a 'red' cake for our first birthday party...
I've started cleaning out my dressing room - which will become the baby's room upstairs. It's Madelyn's old room, so it's coming full circle for us! Madelyn is our 10 year old neice who stayed with us for about a year while her mom, my sister, was in Iraq. She is such a joy to us!
Anyway, Madelyn and I painted two of the beige walls a bright shade of aqua! Which I think will be great for a baby's room - boy or girl. I'm planning to trim with dark brown... as soon as I figure out what to do with all my clothes!
Well, as always, nice to chat with all of you - I'm off to eat (shocking, right?!)... talk to all of you soon!
Mommy Saud

Thursday, June 24, 2010

14 Weeks Today!

Hello, everyone! I decided to start this blog at the suggestion of my very dear friend, Margaret, who lives in South Carolina. Her daughter did a blog when she lived across the country and was pregnant with her first grandson, and she really appreciated being able to be a part of that with her.

Here we go...
I'm 14 weeks along today (not sure why I count from Thursdays, but there you go!). I didn't feel so great early on, but am feeling much better now. Hubby is nagging me, very gently, that I now need to get myself back to the gym and at least walk a few laps... I know he is right.

So, my thought for today, which I read somewhere, but can't remember where to attribute, is "A man becomes a father the minute the baby is born. A woman becomes a mother the minute she finds out she's pregnant. " I completely agree. My husband actually asked me if some of my symptoms were - seriously - in my head.
Now I admit, I am not a puker. Never have been. I can probably count on one hand the number of times (including drinking) I have vomited. I did not "get sick" or have "morning sickness" - I just felt like crap all day long, and wanted to sleep about 20 hours a day.

SO, I just am really waiting for my "baby bump" to come along to prove I'm pregnant=) We did get to hear the heartbeat at the last dr appointment (June 7 - 11 1/2 weeks).... which helped a bit. You'll all be interested to know that even with 10 weeks of gym-less ness, and a diet consisting mostly of french fries and potato salad, I had not gained any weight. Not sure how that's happening, but I'm ok with it! (as was my dr, just for the record!)

Of course, you all know I poke fun at my hubby, but he has been the best husband a knocked-up girl could ask for. He makes me dinner (potato salad, potato chips, baked potatoes, french fries), listens to me complain, and tucks me into bed while it's still light outside. I know he's still...uh... adjusting... to the thought that we've actually DONE IT. I can't say I blame him. I can't even talk about "That Event Which Will Not Be Named" at the end of the pregnancy. let's not go there yet, ok??

All right, well, hope this was enough info for a first post. Enjoy, leave comments (be nice, please! I'll cry!), and ask questions you might have.
Love to you all-