Saudia and Andy are having a baby!

Well, we were finally (mostly!) ready to take the real plunge and bring a new life into this world. Read about our adventures as we journey towards parenthood together!

Due Date: Christmas!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Nothing dilated yet!

Hey all - Had a dr appointment this morning and there is no dilation going on... we are 38 weeks today, and 40 weeks is your 'normal' gestational timeframe. She was hoping I'd be at least a little dilated, but he's just not ready yet=)

We had a good Thanksgiving, stuck close to home and got a lot of work done on the baby room (aka "Bachelor Pad"), including moving the final dresser out, cleaning clothes out of the closet, ordering the rocker, and insulating the window. We go to pick up the rocker tonight, so that means ALL the furniture is in and ready, and we just need to tidy stuff up a bit... how exciting!

It's snowing here again, and cold. I thought pregnant women were supposed to be hot? Yeah, well, I go through spurts, I guess, but mostly freezing my butt off right now!

Not much to report, but wanted to say hi to everyone. Been feeling like a homebody lately, which is apparently normal as well. Anyone who's making Christmas cookies is welcome to send a few our way (ok... my way!) as I'm looking forward to the taste without the work!

Love to all-

1 comment:

  1. I never dilated until I was in labor with either of the boys.... last minute... you know me!
