Saudia and Andy are having a baby!

Well, we were finally (mostly!) ready to take the real plunge and bring a new life into this world. Read about our adventures as we journey towards parenthood together!

Due Date: Christmas!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

6 Months along and all is well!

Hey All - I know - I'm a huge slacker! Thanks to all of you who have "suggested" I need to update my blog=) I know it's been a while...
Had my 6 month appointment this morning, and everything is GREAT - his heartbeat is in normal range (140-150) and you'll be happy to know I've gained weight... 13 lbs so far, 9 of it this month - whew! Dr Strzoda (stroh-duh) says this is absolutely great, she has no concerns. Unlike my husband who was worried I was not eating enough - really?!? I wrote down what I ate yesterday, including a tall Biggby's coffee for breakfast and a piece of lemon cake and a pear for dessert, and she said it was fine. I'm listening to my body and that's good. Hm. Never been accused of eating too LITTLE... it was odd, and kind of ...nice?

Also, she told me that I need to breastfeed because of my MS. Typically, a mom with MS will have a pretty severe flare after birth, ending up on steroids (that will be great - more weight gain!!) to help control the symptoms. She said that moms who breastfeed have a less severe flare overall.... so, any advice on this is much appreciated. I have a breast pump offer already (thanks, Jen!), and have bought a "cover" called... seriously now... an "Udder Cover" For the love of C**#$U(!! Like it's not embarrassing enough, you have to call it that! At least it's not cow print, right?!

In other news, we continue working to move the furniture out of the baby's room - my clothes mostly. I'm on the prowl for a glider rocker. Wonder if they have one with a skull motif? ha!

Doing well overall - I feel great - he is kicking and rolling up a storm. I especially enjoy being in meetings when he discovers how bouncy my bladder is... thank you. Dr Strzoda was taking his heartbeat today and had a hard time following him around - he's a wiggle worm!! I take the glucose tolerance test tomorrow, but, again, Dr Strzoda says she has no worries about this since she's never seen sugar in my urine... may be TMI, but there you go. You drink this vile sugar encrusted orange liquid, and then an hour later get a blood draw. They are looking to see how quickly your body metabolizes the sugar, indicating gestational diabetes. Sounds like an hour of complete fun and excitement, so be sure to follow along!!

Nice to talk to you all - take care!
Love, Saudia


  1. If you are uncomfortable with the "udder cover" you can always opt for the "hooter hider", which is what my sister used! :)

  2. Hey lady! So funny you are! And yes, whenever you want me to I can bring you the pump. If you want some help with the nursery call me! I can bring the chitlins over and I can help andy while you hang with kids. :o)

    SO... how what your sugar test? Mmm... did you get the recipe? Gross huh?!
    :o) More pictures please!
