Saudia and Andy are having a baby!

Well, we were finally (mostly!) ready to take the real plunge and bring a new life into this world. Read about our adventures as we journey towards parenthood together!

Due Date: Christmas!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

All Clear and the Belly is Here!!

Okay, well, it's been a hectic few weeks for us - we've had a bit of trauma, but let me start by saying everything is fine.
We had our first ultrasound at 17 weeks, which was a bit early for their liking, so they asked us to come back at or near 20 weeks. We went back to the same radiology dept, part of U of M. In this ultrasound, it was fairly clear to both of us that the lab tech was spending a LOT of time on his heart, and at one point, I could clearly see a white dot in the ultrasound. I asked what it was and the tech just said "I'll let the doctor answer that" which I totally understand. I wouldn't want to say something and then be wrong or out of line.
So the next day, my doctor called at 6:30 pm and left a voice mail that they found an echogenic cardiac foci on his heart. This is not a big deal, but it is a marker for Downs syndrome. So we had a third ultrasound scheduled for the next day at U of M, at Mott Childrens' Hospital in the prenatal unit - talk about a slightly upsetting event!!
Luckily, my friend Jen Truman had all this happen to her not long ago, and was able to talk me down. We went for the ultrasound and, without our knowing, we also met with a genetic counselor.... seriously?? Who took our genetic profile (nuttiness and craziness apparently don't count for much in these profiles=), and said that we were a very low risk.
THEN we went in for the ultrasound, which was a much nicer place than the other two. The tech was very chatty, which we appreciated, and since we already knew what we were looking for, she was able to point it out to us. We sat for a few minutes after the ultrasound was over, and then the Doctor came in. He explained that this was probably nothing, it was either 1. a calcium deposit (normal) or 2. that piece of the heart was just more reflective of the ultrasound than other parts (also common). He said that since my triple test (a blood test that tests for Downs, Spina Bifada and something else) all came back negative, and they had measured Sherm's leg and arm bones, along with his neck fold (back of his head, another marker for Downs) and those measurements all looked fine, he was going to put this into the "not a problem" category.
What a MESS!! I'm glad we know, though, and I'm glad it's over.
One thing the lab tech asked me in the 3rd ultrasound was if I could feel the baby yet (not really). She said "You are in big trouble" because he was rolling, doing somersaults, and sucking his thumb the whole time. He apparently also was doing a little "boy part jig" - wiggling it around for her to see.... I laughed and said that is definitely GENETIC!! =)

SO, we are doing well, trying to relax and, now that the belly has arrived, trying to find pants that fit. I've been having pretty good luck with JCPenney online, but otherwise not so much. I have about 2 pair of pants that fit at this point, and am trying to find shirts that cover the pant lines.... looking pretty!!

Other than that, things are normal - work is hectic, and Andy has been up to his neck with work as well. As always, it's nice to talk to you - I will try to be better about posting... I'll do my best!!

Love you to all- Saud


  1. Saud & Andy,
    Sorry you had this stress. Glad to hear of the test results and the good experience with the specialist people.
    Love Ya!
    Bob & Tonia

  2. Oh my goodness I had no idea you guys were going thru all that! I cannot imagine how you must have been feeling, big hugs friend! Glad all the test results came back positive and everyone is doing well! Sending much love!
    Ang & Paul
