Saudia and Andy are having a baby!

Well, we were finally (mostly!) ready to take the real plunge and bring a new life into this world. Read about our adventures as we journey towards parenthood together!

Due Date: Christmas!

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's a BOY!!

Ah... you knew we couldn't wait, right??

And the ultrasound showed everything else that she could see was fine, too. We are going to "have to" go back in a few weeks, since we are a few weeks shy of 19 weeks, which is apparently a magic week for ultrasounds. They will then be able to get a better look at the facial features and the heart.

I was kinda hoping for a girl, but only really thought about that in the last week or so... I have a picture (which I AM going to have to scan and upload) of Andy when he was a little guy. He's playing in the sand, wearing a red hat that's too big. He is so adorable. That's the picture I have in my head of our little guy... except he's going to have a giant, curly afro. Oh yeah.

I had a dream just last night - for those of you who have read my facebook posts, you might want to just skip a paragraph. Or read it, because it's cute!
SO I had a dream last night about taking my awesomely cute and extremely intelligent 3-year-old boy, with a dark curly afro, to our doctor's office for a checkup. He was wearing his kid's stethescope and carrying that mustard yellow doctor briefcase that I remember from when I was a kid. He wanted to know how each piece worked, and as Dr Strzoda was showing him, he was using the tools, and asking questions. It was amazing, cute, and I'm hopelessly in love with that little boy... whom I will meet in about 5 months.

So, just wanted to say HI and let you all know we are doing well. Talk to you again soon-
Love, Saud

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