Saudia and Andy are having a baby!

Well, we were finally (mostly!) ready to take the real plunge and bring a new life into this world. Read about our adventures as we journey towards parenthood together!

Due Date: Christmas!

Friday, July 16, 2010

They're getting bigger!!!!

My feet, that is.... I know what you were thinking. No change there - ha!
She had to stop on the way home last night and buy a pair of shoes. Oh, there have been shoe shopping trips before, but this excursion was different. Something about it was off, not the same.
She was shopping the same store she had shopped before. Her goal was the same. But it was different. She was looking... for a bigger size. Yes, you may know her feet are normally plentiful, there is a strong foundation there in her size 10 feet. But today, she was not shopping for a size 10. She was searching for a size.... gasp... 11.

What is that all about?!? Seriously, I'm going to end up shopping in the men's shoe department before long because NOTHING ELSE WILL FIT! BUT, I can't stand the blisters, the rubbing, the puffy feet any longer. And I found a sweet pair of Mary Janes, in a size 11, that were like butter on my feet. Because you know I wore them out of the store.

So, in other news. We've officially entered the 5th month! 5 months, +1 day today!~! According to the books/ websites, it's a turnip (see previous post on comparing your child to food). AND we will go have our ultrasound on MONDAY, JULY 19 at 4pm.... I plan to have some photos for this site, and for Facebook immediately following, if I can stop crying long enough to post. May have to plan to have hubby do this for me....

For those of you who are moms, let's recap this little procedure. First, drink 24 ounces of water. Second, DON"T "void" (AKA Pee) Third, drive 25 minutes to the radiology office, where you will presumably wait at least 20 minutes past your appointment time to get into the room. No peeing allowed here, either. Fourth, Get into a room where they will squirt cold stuff all over your belly, and press repeatedly on your now overfilled bladder for approximately 20 minutes. Thank GOD I will be crying because at least the liquid will have one outlet!
Nearly 2 hours later (you know I only pee every two hours WHEN I"M SLEEPING!!), you can "void"... we will assume their toilets can stand hurricane-force liquid discharge because there is going to be some seriousness happening here.

I guess that's enough for now - hope you've enjoyed hearing all about my pee, and can't wait to tell you what it's going to be (well, it already IS, technically).
As always, it's nice to talk to you -
Love, Saud

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